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Bristol Harbour Hotel

Nicholas James Group

Creative Direction:
Dawn Moses

Project Co-ordinators:
Steve Montague, Julie Magri

About the project

This former Lloyds Bank Headquarters has been transformed into a 42 Luxury Bedroom Hotel, keeping the traditional style with use of rich velvets and vibrant colours. The hotel is situated in the centre of Bristol, which made unloading and access very difficult but we had to put in place strategies and risk assessments to enable easy and swift fitting.

The Curtain Cabin made and supplied all curtains, voiles, poles, blinds to the bedrooms giving a feeling of luxury and grandeur. Some of the rooms were over 5 metres drops on the curtains and so specialist poles and fitting techniques were applied to this remarkable building.

It has been a pleasure working with this Hotel and it is still one of our favourites.

It has been a pleasure working with this Hotel and it is still one of our favourites.


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